The Art of Plant Propagation: Leaf propagation

leaf propagation leaf propagation

Leaf cutting propagation is a fascinating method of plant propagation that allows you to create new plants from individual leaves. Let’s dive into the world of leaf cuttings and discover how to successfully propagate plants using this technique.

What is leaf propagation?

Leaf cuttings involve taking a healthy leaf from a parent plant and encouraging it to produce new roots and shoots. This method is particularly suitable for certain plant species, such as succulents, African violets, and some herbaceous plants.

Leaf Types: There are two main types of leaf cuttings: full leaf cuttings and partial leaf cuttings.

  • Full Leaf Cuttings: With full leaf cuttings, you take a whole leaf and use its petiole (leaf stalk) to anchor it into the growing medium. This method works well for plants with large leaves, such as African violets.
  • Partial Leaf Cuttings: Partial leaf cuttings involve taking a leaf and cutting it into sections, each containing a vein. These sections are then inserted into the propagation medium. This method is suitable for plants like begonias, where individual leaf sections can develop into new plants.


To successfully propagate plants through leaf cuttings, follow these steps:

  • Select Healthy Leaves: Choose leaves that are free from damage, diseases, or pests. Opt for mature leaves that are fully developed and have good coloration.
  • Make Clean Cuts: Use a clean, sharp knife or Pruners to make clean cuts. For full leaf cuttings, cut the leaf at the base, close to the stem. For partial leaf cuttings, cut the leaf into sections, making sure each section has a vein.


Creating the ideal conditions for rooting is crucial to the success of leaf cuttings:

  • Humidity: Leaf cuttings require high humidity to prevent excessive moisture loss. You can create a humid environment by covering the cuttings with a clear plastic dome or placing them in a propagator with a lid.
  • Indirect Light: Leaf cuttings benefit from bright, indirect light. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight, as it can be too intense for the delicate cuttings. Indirect light ensures sufficient energy for photosynthesis without causing stress. If you think you might struggle with providing enough light to your plants, you might consider getting some Full spectrum LED grow light. In couple weeks time, we’ll cover all the details regarding artificial light for your green friends.


Once your leaf cuttings have developed roots and new shoots, it’s time to transplant them for continued growth:

  • Timing: Wait until the cuttings have developed a sufficient root system and new growth before transplanting them. This ensures they have established themselves and are ready for individual pots.
  • Transplanting Process: Gently remove the rooted leaf cuttings from the propagation medium and carefully transfer them to individual pots filled with a suitable potting mix. Provide the necessary care, including proper watering and light conditions, to support their continued growth.

Leaf cuttings offer an exciting way to propagate plants and witness the magic of new growth. Stay tuned as we explore other propagation methods and share valuable tips for success. Remember to check our previous post about stem propagation!

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